Sunday, July 22, 2018


Something happened to me in this Summer...I started getting the Sunday Scaries (def. The Sunday Scaries are the anxiety that sets in on Sunday nights with the impending return to the office, school, or work. Whether you call them The Sunday Scaries, The SundayBlues, The Fear, The Shakes, The Dread – they're there.)

I haven't felt this since we lived in Washington and I tried to work in marketing (a job I know nothing about to this day).  Mostly, I just didn't want Nick to go back to work and leave our bliss of a weekend. But in truth they were fueled by all this shame and guilt I was carrying around that I was "wasting our Summer." I had thought this Summer I would purge and declutter our home from the hoard I'd been collecting in our closets and toy chests. I thought my mail organization and bill pay systems would become streamlined. I would serve our community with encouraging notes and gifts. I would lead a Bible Study. Our calendars in check with new systems to help us remember birthday parties. I thought I'd create lesson plans so my brilliant children would be come brillianterest. I thought I would write. And yet, we mostly just went to the beach, pool, play dates, and ice cream shops. Wasting away in Sirikulbutville.

Tonights prayer by John Baille: (my paraphrase from old english)
Now, most High God, when the day's work is done, I turn once more to you. From You all comes, in you all lives, in you all ends. In the morning I set out with your blessing - ALL DAY You uphold me by your grace, and now I pray that You would grant me rest and peace. I would cast all my cares upon Thee and leave to you the ISSUE of my labor. Prosper, I ask you, all that has been done today in accordance with your will, and forgive all that has been done amiss. What good I have done today, graciously own and further; and if I have done any harm, annul and overrule it by your ALMIGHTY POWER.
Oh Lord, I remember before you tonight all the workers of the world:
Workers with hand or brain;
Workers in cities on in the fields;
Men who go forth to toil and women who keep house;
Employers and employees;
Those who command and those who obey;
Those whose work is dangerous;
Those whose work is monotonous or mean;
Those who can find no work to do;
Those whose work is in the service of the poor or the healing of the sick or the proclamation of the gospel of Christ at home or in foreign places.
Oh Christ, who came not to be ministered to but to minister, have mercy upon all who labor faithfully to serve the common good. O Christ, who did feed the hungry multitude with loaves and fishes, have mercy upon all who labor to earn their daily bread.  Oh Christ, who did call unto Thyself all the that labor and are heavy laden, have mercy upon all who who's work is beyond their strength. And to You, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all the glory and praise. Amen. 
Such a wonderful perspective check to the end the day with - we are all laboring for the common good. Not for our own glory, or the glory of our children, all us workers are just trying our best and asking for mercy at the end of the day. Just like that I can rest. PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING.

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